Combat start: If there are no adjacent allies, gain 600 Health.
Shields have 50% of their value converted to max Health instead.
Doubles the holder's attack range, and causes each of their attacks to target a random enemy.
Heal 2.5% max Health every second.
Whenever a Shield on the holder breaks, 125% of that Shield's initial value is dealt to the nearest enemy as magic damage.
100% of overkill damage plus 100 is dealt as magic damage to the three enemies nearest the target.
Spectral Cutlass
Critical Strike Chance
Combat start: Teleport the holder to the mirrored hex on the enemy's side of the board. After 8 seconds, the holder returns to their original location.
Gain +1 Attack Range, increased by 1 whenever the holder kills an enemy.
Dealing magic damage reduces the target's Magic Resist by 4. If their Magic Resist is 0, grant the holder 5 Mana instead.
After 22 seconds gain 100% max Health and 120% Damage Amp for the rest of combat.
Prowler's Claw
Critical Strike Chance
After killing a target, shed negative effects and dash to the farthest target within 4 hexes. The next 2 critical attacks deal 60% bonus Critical Strike Damage.
Takedowns increase the holder's Armor, Magic Resist, and Ability Power by 10, increased to 15 if they score the kill.