Datamined changes from current PBE release. Be aware that these changes are tentative and they might be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.
Datamining only captures numerical changes. It doesn't capture changes to mechanics and bugfixes that may also significantly affect balance.
Due to the nature of how the datamining works it may also includes some of the changes that are already added to the live version in the most recent patch.
Updated: Oct 21 11PM
Dark Monolith
Dark Monolith
Passive: On arrival, Stun all adjacent enemies for 2 seconds.
Active: Deal 150 (Ability power) to the target and all adjacent enemies. For the next 4 seconds, attacks chain lightning 2 times to nearby enemies, dealing 75 (Ability power) magic damage.
Passive: On arrival, Stun all adjacent enemies for 2 seconds.
Active: Deal 150 (Ability power) to the target and all adjacent enemies. For the next 8 seconds, attacks chain lightning 2 times to nearby enemies, dealing 75 (Ability power) magic damage.
Many-Eyed Beast
Many-Eyed Beast
Passive: On arrival, Stun all enemies within 2 hexes. Every 3 attacks will chain lightning 4 times to nearby enemies. Lightning deals 85 (Ability power) magic damage.
Active: Deal 375 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies near the target. Then, gain 40% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Passive: On arrival, Stun all enemies within 2 hexes. Every 3 attacks will chain lightning 4 times to nearby enemies. Lightning deals 85 (Ability power) magic damage.
Active: Deal 375 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies near the target. Then, gain 60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Deal 80/120/180 (Ability power) magic damage to adjacent enemies and gain 60/75/95 (Ability power) Armor and Magic Resist for 6 seconds. During this time, attacks deal 16/33/63 (Armor Magic resist) bonus magic damage.

Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 75 (Ability power)
Deal 80/120/180 (Ability power) magic damage to adjacent enemies and gain 75/90/110 (Ability power) Armor and Magic Resist for 6 seconds. During this time, attacks deal 16/33/63 (Armor Magic resist) bonus magic damage.

Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 90 (Ability power)
Sneeze fire at the target, dealing 232/348/532 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage. 50% of overkill damage is dealt to the closest 2 targets.
Dragon Upgrade: Deal 328/492/748 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage instead. Overkill hits 4 targets.

Upgrade Damage: 492 = 600% Attack damage + 60% Ability power
Sneeze fire at the target, dealing 232/348/532 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage. 50% of overkill damage is dealt to the closest 2 targets.
Dragon Upgrade: Deal 306/460/699 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage instead. Overkill hits 4 targets.

Upgrade Damage: 460 = 555% Attack damage + 60% Ability power
Passive: Permanently gain 1% Attack Speed and movement speed for each champion killed. Attacks heal for 18/20/30 (Ability power) Health and deal 27/41/61 (Attack damage) bonus physical damage. Gain double the healing and physical damage for targets below 25% Health.

Bonus Damage: 41 (Attack damage)
Heal: 20 (Ability power)
Passive: Permanently gain 1% Attack Speed and movement speed for each champion killed. Attacks heal for 20/25/30 (Ability power) Health and deal 32/47/71 (Attack damage) bonus physical damage. Gain double the healing and physical damage for targets below 25% Health.

Bonus Damage: 47 (Attack damage)
Heal: 25 (Ability power)
Fire an orb at the current target dealing 220/330/500 (Ability power) magic damage. Launch 3 firefoxes at enemies near the target, each dealing 13/20/30 (Ability power) true damage. Gain an additional foxfire this combat.

Orb Damage: 330 (Ability power)
True Damage: 20 (Ability power)
Fire an orb at the current target dealing 230/345/520 (Ability power) magic damage. Launch 3 firefoxes at enemies near the target, each dealing 15/25/35 (Ability power) true damage. Gain an additional foxfire this combat.

Orb Damage: 345 (Ability power)
True Damage: 25 (Ability power)
Dash to the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing 143/215/322 (Attack damage) physical damage to them. The next 3 attacks launch kunai at the target, dealing 113/169/256 (Attack damageAbility power) damage.

Dash Damage: 215 (Attack damage)
Dash to the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing 154/231/347 (Attack damage) physical damage to them. The next 3 attacks launch kunai at the target, dealing 113/169/256 (Attack damageAbility power) damage.

Dash Damage: 231 (Attack damage)
Passive: Shields grant 60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Active: Dash up to 2 hexes away, then deal 180/270/428 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies in a line through the target. Gain 100/140/180 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds.

Damage: 270 = 360% Attack damage
Attack Damage
Passive: Shields grant 60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Active: Dash up to 2 hexes away, then deal 198/297/470 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies in a line through the target. Gain 100/140/180 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds.

Damage: 297 = 360% Attack damage
Attack Damage
20 / 60
30 / 70
Transform into dragon form and gain an aura that deals 68/104/159 (HealthAbility power) magic damage per second to adjacent enemies. Then fly through the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1/1/1.25 seconds.
Dragon Upgrade: Double the size of the aura. It deals 30% more damage.

Damage per Second: 104 = 1% (Health max) + 90% (Ability power)
Transform into dragon form and gain an aura that deals 67/103/158 (HealthAbility power) magic damage per second to adjacent enemies. Then fly through the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1/1/1.25 seconds.
Dragon Upgrade: Double the size of the aura. It deals 30% more damage.

Damage per Second: 103 = 1% (Health max) + 90% (Ability power)
Conjure a rift on the target that deals 250/375/565 (Ability power) magic damage and 20% Shreds for 6 seconds. This ability upgrades the more it is cast.
15 Casts: Enemies adjacent to the target are Shredded and take 125/185/280 (Ability power) magic damage.
30+ Casts: For every 30 casts, create an additional rift on a nearby enemy that deals 30% damage.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Conjure a rift on the target that deals 250/375/565 (Ability power) magic damage and 20% Shreds for 6 seconds. This ability upgrades the more it is cast.
15 Casts: Enemies adjacent to the target are Shredded and take 125/185/280 (Ability power) magic damage.
30+ Casts: For every 30 casts, create an additional rift on a nearby enemy that deals 35% damage.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Fire a cannonball at the target, dealing 227/341/511 (Attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit. That enemy is knocked back 2 hexes and Stunned if they are within 2 hexes of Tristana.

Damage Attack damage
Damage: 341 = 340% Attack damage + 60% Ability power
Fire a cannonball at the target, dealing 238/357/536 (Attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit. That enemy is knocked back 2 hexes and Stunned if they are within 2 hexes of Tristana.

Damage Attack damage
Damage: 357 = 360% Attack damage + 60% Ability power
Launch a magic missile at the target that bounces 4 times between enemies dealing 110/165/255 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies hit. They also take 10% more damage for 3 seconds.

Damage: 165 (Ability power)
Launch a magic missile at the target that bounces 4 times between enemies dealing 105/160/245 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies hit. They also take 10% more damage for 3 seconds.

Damage: 160 (Ability power)
Gain 125% decaying Attack Speed for 5 seconds. For the duration, attacks fire rockets that deal 73/110/165 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage and ignore 50% Armor.

Rocket Damage: 110 = 110% Attack damage + 24% Ability power
Attack Damage
Gain 125% decaying Attack Speed for 5 seconds. For the duration, attacks fire rockets that deal 77/115/172 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage and ignore 50% Armor.

Rocket Damage: 115 = 110% Attack damage + 24% Ability power
Attack Damage
Blink to the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and spin, dealing 165/245/395 (Ability power) magic damage over 3 seconds to enemies within 2 hexes and Wounding them for 5 seconds. The 2 nearest enemies take 256/380/612 (Ability power) magic damage instead.
If Katarina kills an enemy, she blinks to reposition again.
Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Increased Damage Amount: 380 = 155% of 245 Ability power
Blink to the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and spin, dealing 165/245/395 (Ability power) magic damage over 3 seconds to enemies within 2 hexes and Wounding them for 5 seconds. The 2 nearest enemies take 272/404/652 (Ability power) magic damage instead.
If Katarina kills an enemy, she blinks to reposition again.
Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Increased Damage Amount: 404 = 165% of 245 Ability power
70 / 140
70 / 130
Gain 420/450/480 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds, increased by 5% for each enemy targeting Vex. When it expires, deal 80/120/200 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.

Shield: 450 (Ability power)
Gain 380/410/450 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds, increased by 5% for each enemy targeting Vex. When it expires, deal 80/120/200 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.

Shield: 410 (Ability power)
Leap backward and briefly gain 70% Durability. Then, sweep through the most enemies possible within 2 hexes, dealing 115/173/583 (Attack damage) physical damage to each one, plus 270/406/1434 (Attack damageAbility power) split between all enemies hit.

Base Damage: 173 (Attack damage)
Split Damage: 406 = 320% Attack damage + 60% Ability power
Attack Damage
Leap backward and briefly gain 70% Durability. Then, sweep through the most enemies possible within 2 hexes, dealing 120/180/608 (Attack damage) physical damage to each one, plus 280/420/1481 (Attack damageAbility power) split between all enemies hit.

Base Damage: 180 (Attack damage)
Split Damage: 420 = 320% Attack damage + 60% Ability power
Attack Damage
Passive: Attacks embed a spear in her target. Every 3/3/1 attacks, also embed spears into 2/2/3 nearby enemies.
Active: Deal 27/43/170 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage to each enemy for each of their embedded spears. If there is a safe position nearby, leap to it.

Spear Damage: 43 (Attack damageAbility power) = 35% Attack damage + 11% Ability power
Passive: Attacks embed a spear in her target. Every 3/3/1 attacks, also embed spears into 2/2/3 nearby enemies.
Active: Deal 30/47/170 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage to each enemy for each of their embedded spears. If there is a safe position nearby, leap to it.

Spear Damage: 47 (Attack damageAbility power) = 40% Attack damage + 11% Ability power
Gain 390/578/1680 (Health) Shield for 3 seconds and shoot 8 feathers in a wide cone, dealing 150/225/1200 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies they hit. Then land, granting allies within 2 hexes a 100/130/1000 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds.

Shield Amount: 578 = 20% Health + 200% Ability power
Gain 349/520/1612 (Health) Shield for 3 seconds and shoot 8 feathers in a wide cone, dealing 150/225/1200 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies they hit. Then land, granting allies within 2 hexes a 100/130/1000 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds.

Shield Amount: 520 = 18% Health + 180% Ability power
Blaster 0
Blasters gain Damage Amplification Damage Amp, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.
(2) 15% Damage Amplification; 30% during burst
(4) 35% Damage Amplification; 60% during burst
(6) 60% Damage Amplification; 100% during burst
Blasters gain Damage Amplification Damage Amp, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.
(2) 15% Damage Amplification; 30% during burst
(4) 35% Damage Amplification; 65% during burst
(6) 60% Damage Amplification; 100% during burst
Chrono 0
Chronos gain 15 Ability power Ability Power.
Combat start: begin a 14 second countdown, which speeds up by 1 second after each Chrono Ability cast. At the end of the countdown, gain a special effect:
(2) Your team heals 20% Health; Chronos gain 20 Ability power
(4) AND freeze time for 3 seconds, Chronos keep fighting and gain 45 Ability power
(6) Freeze time for 4 seconds, your team heals 100% Health; Chronos keep fighting and gain 70 Ability power and 35% Attack speed
Chronos gain 15 Ability power Ability Power.
Combat start: begin a 14 second countdown, which speeds up by 1 second after each Chrono Ability cast. At the end of the countdown, gain a special effect:
(2) Your team heals 15% Health; Chronos gain 20 Ability power
(4) AND freeze time for 3 seconds, Chronos keep fighting and gain 55 Ability power
(6) Freeze time for 4 seconds, your team heals 100% Health; Chronos keep fighting and gain 70 Ability power and 35% Attack speed
Faerie 0
Faeries gain Health Health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers.
(3) 150 Health, Gain Queen's Crown that grants 30% Damage Amplification Damage Amp
(5) 350 Health, Crown 45% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard's Armor
(7) 650 Health, Crown 55% Damage Amplification, Gain a 2nd Crown
(9) 900 Health, Crown 66% Damage Amplification, Items become Radiant
Only Faeries can hold Faerie items.
Faeries gain Health Health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers.
(3) 150 Health, Gain Queen's Crown that grants 30% Damage Amplification Damage Amp
(5) 400 Health, Crown 45% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard's Armor
(7) 700 Health, Crown 60% Damage Amplification, Gain a 2nd Crown
(9) 999 Health, Crown 66% Damage Amplification, Items become Radiant
Only Faeries can hold Faerie items.
Frost 0
Frost champions gain Ability power Ability Power and Attack damage Attack Damage. The first few enemies to die become allied ice soldiers which lure enemy attacks if they are within range and retargeting.
(3) 16 Ability powerAttack damage, 1 soldier
(5) 35 Ability powerAttack damage, 2 soldiers
(7) 50 Ability powerAttack damage, 3 soldiers, soldiers explode on death
(9) 90 Ability powerAttack damage, 4 soldiers, explosion power doubles
Soldiers have 200 Health per stage.
Frost champions gain Ability power Ability Power and Attack damage Attack Damage. The first few enemies to die become allied ice soldiers which lure enemy attacks if they are within range and retargeting.
(3) 16 Ability powerAttack damage, 1 soldier
(5) 40 Ability powerAttack damage, 2 soldiers
(7) 55 Ability powerAttack damage, 3 soldiers, soldiers explode on death
(9) 90 Ability powerAttack damage, 4 soldiers, explosion power doubles
Soldiers have 200 Health per stage.
Honeymancy 0
Honeymancers gain 5 Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals damage based on the damage a Honeymancer deals and takes.
When a Honeymancer dies, they leave 2 Bees that follow nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.
(3) 5% of damage dealt, 3% of damage taken
(5) 9% of damage dealt, 4% of damage taken
(7) 16% of damage dealt, 8% of damage taken. Bees deal damage twice as often.
Honeymancers gain 5 Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals damage based on the damage a Honeymancer deals and takes.
When a Honeymancer dies, they leave 2 Bees that follow nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.
(3) 7% of damage dealt, 3% of damage taken
(5) 13% of damage dealt, 5% of damage taken
(7) 20% of damage dealt, 10% of damage taken. Bees deal damage twice as often.
Hunter 0
Hunters gain Attack damage Attack Damage, increased the first time they get a takedown each combat.
(2) 15% Attack damage, 35% after takedown
(4) 45% Attack damage, 75% after takedown
(6) 70% Attack damage, 110% after takedown. Also gain 20% Attack speed.
Hunters gain Attack damage Attack Damage, increased the first time they get a takedown each combat.
(2) 15% Attack damage, 35% after takedown
(4) 40% Attack damage, 70% after takedown
(6) 65% Attack damage, 100% after takedown. Also gain 20% Attack speed.
Mage 0
Mages cast their Abilities twice and have modified total Ability power Ability Power.
(3) 85% Ability power
(5) 100% Ability power
(7) 125% Ability power
(10) 200% Ability power, Mages cast MUCH more frequently
Mages cast their Abilities twice and have modified total Ability power Ability Power.
(3) 85% Ability power
(5) 95% Ability power
(7) 110% Ability power
(10) 200% Ability power, Mages cast MUCH more frequently
Multistriker 0
Multistrikers' attacks have a chance to trigger 2 extra attacks.
(3) 25% chance
(5) 60% chance
(7) 70% chance; heal 3% max Health every attack
(9) 100% chance; heal 10% max Health every attack
Multistrikers' attacks have a chance to trigger 2 extra attacks.
(3) 25% chance
(5) 65% chance
(7) 80% chance; heal 3% max Health every attack
(9) 100% chance; heal 10% max Health every attack
Preserver 0
Your team heals for a percent of their max Health Health every 3 seconds. If they're full Health, restore Mana Mana instead.
Preservers gain double the amount.
(2) 2% Health or 3% Mana
(3) 3.5% Health or 4.5% Mana
(4) 5% Health or 6% Mana
(5) 7.5% Health or 9% Mana
Your team heals for a percent of their max Health Health every 3 seconds. If they're full Health, restore Mana Mana instead.
Preservers gain double the amount.
(2) 2% Health or 3% Mana
(3) 4% Health or 5% Mana
(4) 6% Health or 7% Mana
(5) 8% Health or 10% Mana
Pyro 0
Your team gains 3% Attack speed Attack Speed. Pyro champions gain more Attack speed and execute enemies under 10% Health.
For each kill, Pyro champions create an infernal cinder that you collect the next round. For every 5 cinders you collect, your team gains 2% more Attack speed.
(2) 5% Attack speed
(3) 25% Attack speed
(4) 40% Attack speed
(5) 55% Attack speed and execute under 15% Health
Your team gains 3% Attack speed Attack Speed. Pyro champions gain more Attack speed and execute enemies under 10% Health.
For each kill, Pyro champions create an infernal cinder that you collect the next round. For every 5 cinders you collect, your team gains 2% more Attack speed.
(2) 5% Attack speed
(3) 25% Attack speed
(4) 50% Attack speed
(5) 65% Attack speed and execute under 15% Health
Scholar 0
Scholars gain bonus Mana Mana on attack and Ability power Ability Power.
(2) 3 Mana per attack, 10 Ability power
(4) 5 Mana per attack, 20 Ability power
(6) 10 Mana per attack, 20 Ability power, and Abilities heal an ally for 15% of damage dealt
Scholars gain bonus Mana Mana on attack and Ability power Ability Power.
(2) 3 Mana per attack, 10 Ability power
(4) 5 Mana per attack, 20 Ability power
(6) 10 Mana per attack, 20 Ability power, and Abilities heal an ally for 10% of damage dealt
Tahm Kench's Arcana 0
Tahm Kench's Arcana
Your team gains bonus Health Health for each active trait (except uniques).
(2) 20 Health per trait
(3) 40 Health per trait
(4) 65 Health per trait
(5) 110 Health per trait
Use the Arcana Signifier item on a different Arcana ally to change this effect
Your team gains bonus Health Health for each active trait (except uniques).
(2) 20 Health per trait
(3) 40 Health per trait
(4) 60 Health per trait
(5) 105 Health per trait
Use the Arcana Signifier item on a different Arcana ally to change this effect
Xerath's Arcana 0
Xerath's Arcana
Abilities deal bonus true damage for every 3 Charms you've purchased this game (2 in Hyper Roll).
(2) 2% true damage
(3) 2.5% true damage
(4) 4.5% true damage
(5) 7% true damage
Bonus True Damage: 0%Use the Arcana Signifier item on a different Arcana ally to change this effect.
Abilities deal bonus true damage for every 3 Charms you've purchased this game (2 in Hyper Roll).
(2) 2% true damage
(3) 3% true damage
(4) 4.5% true damage
(5) 7% true damage
Bonus True Damage: 0%Use the Arcana Signifier item on a different Arcana ally to change this effect.
Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds.
Your team gains 8% Attack Speed.
[Support item]
[Ignores crowd control immunity.]
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds.
Your team gains 2% Attack Speed.
[Support item]
[Ignores crowd control immunity.]
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Unstable Treasure Chest
Unstable Treasure Chest
When the holder dies, the 3 closest allies gain a temporary completed item.
​​[Support item]
When the holder dies, the 4 highest percent health allies gain a temporary completed item.
​​[Support item]
Zhonya's Paradox
Zhonya's Paradox
Ability Power
Magic Resist
Ability Power
Magic Resist
Mogul's Mail
Mogul's Mail
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 5 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times.
At full stacks, grant Gold 1 gold and continue gaining Gold 1 gold every 9 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 7 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times.
At full stacks, grant Gold 1 gold and continue gaining Gold 1 gold every 9 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Mogul's Mail
Mogul's Mail
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 5 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times.
At full stacks, grant Gold 3 gold and continue gaining Gold 1 gold every 9 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 7 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times.
At full stacks, grant Gold 3 gold and continue gaining Gold 1 gold every 9 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Balanced Budget+
Balanced Budget+
At the start of the next 4 rounds, gain 9 gold.
At the start of the next 4 rounds, gain 10 gold.
Category Five
Category Five
Gain a Runaan's Hurricane. Your Runaan's Hurricanes shoot 1 extra bolts, each dealing 90% of the original damage.
Gain a Runaan's Hurricane. Your Runaan's Hurricanes shoot 1 extra bolts, each dealing 85% of the original damage.
Combat Caster
Combat Caster
Your team gains 80-160 Shield for 4 seconds after casting their Ability. The Shield amount scales with round of the game.
Your team gains 80-160 Shield for 3 seconds after casting their Ability. The Shield amount scales with round of the game.
Hunting Frenzy
Hunting Frenzy
Your Hunters execute enemies below 10% health and gain 10% Attack Speed. Gain a Twitch and a Kog'maw.
Your Hunters execute enemies below 10% health and gain 5% Attack Speed. Gain a Twitch and a Kog'maw.
I'm The Carry Now
I'm The Carry Now
Get a Sentinel with tailored offensive items. It gets stronger at the start of each Stage.
Get a Golem with tailored offensive items. It gets stronger at the start of each Stage.
Learning to Spell
Learning to Spell
Your team gains 18 bonus Ability Power, and permanently gains 1 Ability Power every 2 takedowns.
Your team gains 12 bonus Ability Power, and permanently gains 1 Ability Power every 2 takedowns.
Little Buddies
Little Buddies
Your 4-cost and 5-cost champions gain 65 Health and 9% Attack Speed for every 1-cost and 2-cost champion on your board.
Your 4-cost and 5-cost champions gain 65 Health and 7% Attack Speed for every 1-cost and 2-cost champion on your board.
Raid Boss
Raid Boss
Combat start: Your strongest Bastion gains 20% Health. When other Bastions die, they transfer 20% of their Armor and Magic Resist to it. Gain a Poppy and a Nunu.
Combat start: Your strongest Bastion gains 20% Health. When other units die, they transfer 20% of their Armor and Magic Resist to it. Gain a Poppy and a Nunu.
Royal Guard
Royal Guard
Every 3 seconds, all Faeries restore 4% max Health, and the Faerie Queen gains 1% Attack Damage and Ability Power for every other suriving Faerie. Gain a Lillia and a Tristana.
Every 3 seconds, all Faeries restore 3% max Health, and the Faerie Queen gains 1% Attack Damage and Ability Power for every other suriving Faerie. Gain a Lillia and a Tristana.
Spin To Win
Spin To Win
Gain 2 Wukongs. Your strongest Wukong's Ability scales with Attack Damage instead of resists. After each cast, Wukong gains stacking 20% Attack Damage and 30% Attack Speed.
Gain 2 Wukongs. Your strongest Wukong's Ability scales with Attack Damage instead of resists. After each cast, Wukong gains stacking 12% Attack Damage and 20% Attack Speed. isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.