Set 13 Info


Academy 0


The Academy sponsors 3 items each game.
Copies of sponsored items grant bonus max Health and Damage Amp. Academy units holding sponsored items gain double the amount, plus an additional 5% Health and Damage Amp.
(3) 2% Health Damage Amplification;
gain 1 sponsored item.
(4) 3% Health Damage Amplification;
gain 1 sponsored item.
(5) 5% Health Damage Amplification;
gain 1 sponsored item.
(6) 9% Health Damage Amplification
Automata 0


Automata gain a crystal when they deal damage. At 20 crystals, they blast their current target, dealing magic damage + 25% of damage dealt since the previous blast and reset. They also gain Armor and Magic Resist.
(2) 150 damage, 25 ArmorMagic resist
(4) 400 damage, 60 ArmorMagic resist
(6) 1200 damage, 111 ArmorMagic resist
Banished Mage 0

Banished Mage

The first time you would be eliminated, if Mel has cast 12 times during player combat this game, she saves you and you remain alive.
Afterwards, Mel permanently gains 10% Damage Amp.
Blood Hunter 0

Blood Hunter

Warwick devours enemies that drop below 12% Health, healing him for 450 and granting him 50 Mana.
Black Rose 0

Black Rose

(3) Summon a chained Sion. He is freed after 5 casts from Black Rose units or when he drops below 65% health.
(4) Sion grows stronger and his enemies take more damage from Black Rose units.
(5) Sion unleashes dark magic and heals to full Health when freed.
(7) When Sion dies, he restores to life with power beyond death!
Each Black Rose champion's star level increases Sion's power
Chem-Baron 0


Gain Shimmer after each player combat. If your loss streak is at least 3, gain more.
At each stack of 100 Shimmer, the Black Market offers you contraband that only Chem-Barons can use. Chem-Barons gain max Health for each Black Market you pass on.
(3) 15 or 35; 20 Health
(4) 15 or 50; 60 Health
(5) 20 or 70; 100 Health
(6) 25 or 90; 150 Health
SingedRenata GlascRenniSmeechSilcoSevika
Conqueror 0


Conquerors' takedowns grant stacks of Conquest. After gaining enough Conquest, open War Chests full of loot!
Conquerors gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, increased by 5% for each War Chest opened.
(2) 22% Attack damageAbility power; 1x Conquest
(4) 25% Attack damageAbility power; 3x Conquest
(6) 40% Attack damageAbility power; 6x Conquest
(9) 120% Attack damageAbility power; 20x Conquest
Emissary 0


This trait is active only when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Emissaries.
(1) Gain that Emissary's bonus
(4) Gain all bonuses. Emissaries gain 250 Health and 20% Damage Amplification
Ambessa: Allies gain 2 Armor and Magic Resist for each opponent defeated. (0/7)
Garen: On Combat Start, Garen and allies to his left and right gain 12% of his max Health.
Nami: Allies' attacks grant 2 bonus Mana.
Tristana: Allies gain 6% Attack Speed per star level.
Enforcer 0


Combat Start: Enforcers gain Shield and Damage Amp. The highest Health enemy units become WANTED!
When a Wanted enemy dies, Enforcers gain 30% Attack Speed.
(2) 1 unit; 12% Health, 12% Damage Amplification
(4) 2 units; 22% Health, 20% Damage Amplification
(6) 4 units; 33% Health, 33% Damage Amplification
(8) 5 units; 40% Health, 40% Damage Amplification
(10) ALL enemies; 100% Health, 150% Damage Amplification; Combat Start: Confiscate all enemy items!
MaddieStebCamilleLorisTwisted FateViCaitlyn
Experiment 0


Gain Laboratory hexes on your board.
Combat start: Experiments standing on Laboratory hexes gain the Experiment bonuses of all Experiments on Laboratory hexes, plus max Health.
(3) 2 Laboratories, 100 Health
(5) 3 Laboratories, 300 Health
(7) Experiment bonuses increase by 100%!
ZyraUrgotNunu & WillumpDr. MundoTwitchWarwick
Family 0


Family members support each other, reducing their max Mana and gaining extra bonuses.
(3) 30% reduction, 20% Damage Reduction
(4) 35% reduction, 20% Attack speed
(5) 40% reduction, heist on topside! After combat, progress the heist, increased for each surviving Family member!
Firelight 0


Every 6 seconds, Firelights dash. While dashing, they attack with infinite range and heal a percentage of the damage taken since their last dash.
(2) 20% of damage taken
(3) 33% of damage taken
(4) 40% of damage taken. While dashing, gain a massive burst of Attack Speed.
High Roller 0

High Roller

When casting, Sevika rolls a random Jinx modification to her Ability and gains 80% Durability for 1.5 seconds.
-Rocket: Launch 8 rockets that deal 100 physical damage each
-Shield: Gain 500 Shield for 4 seconds
-Coin: Gain 3 gold
-Triple: Enhance her rolled ability!
Junker King 0

Junker King

Every 3 rounds, open an armory to purchase permanent upgrades to your strongest Rumble's mech.

Junker KingUpgrades

Petricite Rod
Self Destruct Button
Junkyard Titan!
Repairing Microbots
Petricite Rod
Petricite Rod
Petricite Rod: Every 5 seconds, fire a blast at the furthest enemy within 4 hexes that deals 350% / 525% / 6000% Ability power magic damage over 15 seconds.
Machine Herald 0

Machine Herald

Viktor has a fixed Attack Speed of 0.55 attacks per second and converts ALL bonus Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Mana into Ability Power.
Instead of Mana, Viktor gains 1 Chaos Energy every attack and casts when he has 8.
Rebel 0


Rebels gain 15% max Health.
After your team loses 25% of their Health, a smoke signal appears, granting Rebels 60% Attack Speed for 5 seconds and extra power for the rest of combat.
(3) 20% Attack damageAbility power
(5) 40% Attack damageAbility power, 12% Health
(7) 45% Attack damageAbility power, 15% Health, and Stun all enemies for 2 seconds
(10) The smoke signal triggers at Combat Start and every 12 seconds.
Scrap 0


Combat start: Components held by Scrap units temporarily turn into full items. Scrap units gain Shield for 24 seconds for each component held by your team, including those that make up a full item.
(2) 1 component, 25 Shield
(4) 3 components, 35 Shield
(6) All components, and full items become lucky! 45 Shield
(9) Generate Radiant items! 60 Shield


Ambusher 0


Damage from Ambushers' Abilities can critically strike. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage.
(2) 25% Critical strike change, 10% Critical strike damage
(3) 35% Critical strike change, 20% Critical strike damage
(4) 45% Critical strike change, 25% Critical strike damage
(5) 55% Critical strike change, 25% Critical strike damage; also gain 15% Durability
Artillerist 0


Every 5 attacks, Artillerists launch a rocket that deals 125% Attack Damage around the target. They also gain Attack Damage.
(2) 10% Attack damage
(4) 45% Attack damage
(6) 70% Attack damage, Launch a rocket every 3 attacks that deals double damage.
Bruiser 0


Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.
(2) 20% Health
(4) 45% Health
(6) 80% Health
StebTrundleSettNunu & WillumpRenniElise
Dominator 0


Combat start: Dominators gain a Shield for 15 seconds.
When Dominators cast, they gain stacking Ability Power based on the Mana spent.
(2) 350 Shield, 25% Ability power
(4) 550 Shield, 45% Ability power
(6) 800 Shield, 65% Ability power
ZiggsBlitzcrankCassiopeiaDr. MundoSilcoMordekaiser
Form Swapper 0

Form Swapper

Innate: Form Swappers change their stats and ability based on if they're placed in the front 2 rows or back 2 rows.
Frontline Form Swappers gain Durability. Backline Form Swappers gain Damage Amp.
(2) 15% Damage Reduction or 20% Damage Amplification
(4) 33% Damage Reduction or 44% Damage Amplification
Pit Fighter 0

Pit Fighter

Pit Fighters gain 15% Omnivamp and deal bonus true damage. Once per combat at 50% Health, they heal a percentage of their max Health over 2 seconds.
(2) 6% true damage, 10% Health
(4) 12% true damage, 35% Health
(6) 22% true damage, 55% Health
(8) 45% true damage, 80% Health
Quickstriker 0


Quickstrikers move faster and gain Attack Speed, based on their target's missing Health.
(2) 20-60% Attack speed
(3) 30-80% Attack speed
(4) 40-100% Attack speed. On target death, Quickstrikers dash to a new target and gain 222 shield for 3 seconds.
AkaliNocturneTwisted FateAmbessa
Sentinel 0


Your team gains Armor and Magic Resist. Sentinels gain triple.
(2) 12 ArmorMagic resist
(4) 25 ArmorMagic resist
(6) 42 ArmorMagic resist
Sniper 0


Snipers gain Damage Amp and deal more damage to targets farther away.
(2) 10% Damage Amplification; 5% damage per hex
(4) 40% Damage Amplification; 10% damage per hex
(6) 80% Damage Amplification; 20% damage per hex; Snipers gain +5 Attack Range
Sorcerer 0


Your team gains 10 Ability Power. Sorcerers gain more.
(2) 20 Ability power
(4) 50 Ability power
(6) 85 Ability power, Abilities reduce their target's damage by 20% for 3 seconds
Visionary 0


Whenever Visionaries gain Mana, they gain more.
(2) 25% Mana
(4) 50% Mana
(6) 75% Mana, Abilities heal an ally for 16% of damage dealt
MorganaVexRellRenata GlascNunu & WillumpHeimerdingerMalzahar
Watcher 0


Watchers gain Durability, increased while above 50% Health.
(2) 15% or 30% Damage Reduction
(4) 30% or 45% Damage Reduction
(6) 40% or 50% Damage Reduction
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