Set 12 Info


Arcana 0


Use the Arcana signifier item to choose a High Arcana champion. Each Arcana grants power based on a different condition.
Gain power for:
Ahri: Fielding 3-star champions.
Hecarim: Equipping items.
Tahm Kench: Activating traits.
Xerath: Purchasing Charms.
Emblem: Equipping Spatula items.
AhriHecarimTahm KenchXerath
Chrono 0


Chronos gain 15 Ability power Ability Power.
Combat start: begin a 16 second countdown, which speeds up by 1 second after each Chrono Ability cast. At the end of the countdown, gain a special effect:
(2) Your team restores 20% health; Chronos gain 20 more Ability power
(4) AND freeze time for 2.5 seconds, Chronos keep fighting and gain 35 Ability power
(6) AND Chronos gain 60% Attack speed and your team heals 100% Health instead
Dragon 0


(2) Dragon attacks and Abilities 1% Burn and Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
(3) The power of friendship upgrades all dragon Abilities!
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Druid 0


Wukong does not have a trait bonus, but instead has a powerful Ability and increased stats.
Eldritch 0


When your team loses 20% of their Health, an Old God awakens. It gains 25% Health and 10% Ability Power for each Eldritch star level.
(3) The Tainted Golem
(5) The Dark Monolith
(7) The Many-Eyed Beast
(10) The Stormbringer
Faerie 0


Faeries gain Health Health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers.
(2) 100 Health, Gain Queen's Crown that grants 25% Damage Amplification Damage Amp
(4) 400 Health, Crown 35% Damage Amplification
(6) 600 Health, Crown 40% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard's Armor
(9) 850 Health, Crown 75% Damage Amplification, Both items become Radiant
Only Faeries can hold Faerie items.
Frost 0


Frost champions gain Ability power Ability Power and Attack damage Attack Damage. The first few enemies to die become allied ice soldiers which lure enemy attacks if they are within range and retargeting.
(3) 15 Ability powerAttack damage, 1 soldier
(5) 30 Ability powerAttack damage, 2 soldiers
(7) 45 Ability powerAttack damage, 3 soldiers, soldiers explode on death
(9) 75 Ability powerAttack damage, 4 soldiers, explosion power doubles
Soldiers have 200 Health per stage.
Honeymancy 0


Honeymancers gain Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals 7.5% of the Honeymancer's damage dealt and 2.5% of their damage taken.
When a Honeymancer dies, leave 1 Bee that follows nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.
(3) 3 Bees
(5) 5 Bees
(7) 8 Bees, 3 Bees survive instead
Portal 0


Combat start: Portal champions Shield for 15 seconds.
Objects from other dimensions fly out of a portal every few seconds to help allies and disrupt enemies. The portal becomes 8% stronger for each Portal champion's star level.
(3) 200 Shield, Small portal
(6) 450 Shield, Medium portal
(8) 700 Shield, Large portal
(10) 1500 Shield, GIGA portal
JayceZoeGalioKassadinEzrealRyzeTaricNorra & Yuumi
Pyro 0


Your team gains 3% Attack speed Attack Speed. Pyro champions gain more Attack speed and execute enemies under 12% Health.
For each kill, Pyro champions create an infernal cinder that you collect the next round. For every 4 cinders you collect, your team gains 1% more Attack speed.
(2) 12% Attack speed
(3) 25% Attack speed
(4) 45% Attack speed
(5) 70% Attack speed and execute under 18% Health
Ravenous 0


Briar gains Damage Amplification 0.6% Damage Amp for each player health you are missing. Each round, gain a Light Snack to give her 150 Health in exchange for 3 of your player health.
Sugarcraft 0


Sugarcrafters build a layer cake from sugar. Gain sugar for each component your champions are holding after player combat.
They gain Attack damage Attack Damage and Ability power Ability Power, increased by 10% for each cake layer. When the cake has reached 7 layers, gain treats instead!
(2) 2 sugar, 12 Attack damageAbility power
(4) 4 sugar, 25 Attack damageAbility power
(6) 6 sugar, 35 Attack damageAbility power, team gains 150 Health
Witchcraft 0


Witch Abilities apply a curse to enemies for 4 seconds. When a cursed enemy dies, the curse spreads to the nearest enemy.
Cursed enemies become:
(2) smaller, losing 150 Health
(4) AND green, healing the lowest Health Witch for 18% of damage taken
(6) AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches
(8) AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 40%.


Ascendant 0


(1) Ascendant Charms can appear in your shop. The odds increase by 8% after player combat, up to 40%. When you buy one, the odds reset.
Bastion 0


Your team gains ArmorMagic resist 10 Armor and Magic Resist.
Bastions gain more, and the value doubles in the first 10 seconds of combat.
(2) 15 ArmorMagic resist
(4) 40 ArmorMagic resist
(6) 65 ArmorMagic resist
(8) 110 ArmorMagic resist and 2 champions starting combat in the back 2 rows are invulnerable until 4 Bastions die
Bat Queen 0

Bat Queen

When Morgana's bats kill an enemy, they have a 40% chance to abduct a 1-star copy of it.
Best Friends 0

Best Friends

Norra summons Yuumi to help your team! She can be attached to allies by holding her over them. Yuumi shares her Ability Power with Norra and dies when Norra does.
Norra & Yuumi
Blaster 0


Blasters gain Damage Amplification Damage Amp, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.
(2) 8% Damage Amplification; 25% during burst
(4) 15% Damage Amplification; 45% during burst
(6) 30% Damage Amplification; 90% during burst
Hunter 0


Hunters gain Attack damage Attack Damage, increased the first time they get a takedown each combat.
(2) 15% Attack damage, 30% after takedown
(4) 40% Attack damage, 65% after takedown
(6) 70% Attack damage, 110% after takedown
Incantor 0


Your team gains 10 Ability power Ability Power.
When Incantors attack or cast, all Incantors gain stacks of Ability power up to 40. Every other attack grants 1 stack, and each Ability cast grants 3 stacks.
(2) 1 Ability power per stack
(4) 2 Ability power per stack; your team gains 20 Ability power
Mage 0


Mages cast their Abilities twice and have modified total Ability power Ability Power.
(3) 75% Ability power
(5) 90% Ability power
(7) 105% Ability power
(9) 135% Ability power
SeraphineSorakaGalioVeigarVexNamiNorra & Yuumi
Multistriker 0


Multistrikers' attacks have a chance to trigger 2 extra attacks.
(3) 30% chance
(5) 55% chance
(7) 70% chance; heal 3% max Health every attack
(9) 100% chance; heal 10% max Health every attack
Preserver 0


Your team heals for a percent of their max Health Health every 3 seconds. If they're full Health, restore Mana Mana instead.
Preservers gain double the amount.
(2) 2.5% Health or 3% Mana
(3) 4.5% Health or 5% Mana
(4) 7% Health or 8% Mana
(5) 10% Health or 12% Mana
Scholar 0


Scholars gain bonus Mana Mana on attack.
(2) 3 Mana per attack
(4) 5 Mana per attack
(6) 10 Mana per attack
Shapeshifter 0


Shapeshifters gain Health max Health. After their first Ability cast, they triple this effect.
(2) 10% Health
(4) 15% Health
(6) 21% Health
(8) 30% Health
Vanguard 0


Vanguards gain 10% Damage Reduction Durability while Shielded.
Combat start and at 50% Health: Gain a Shield for a percent of max Health for 10 seconds.
(2) 18% max Health
(4) 35% max Health
(6) 50% max Health
BlitzcrankWarwickGalioRumbleMordekaiserTahm Kench
Warrior 0


Warriors gain Omnivamp Omnivamp and Damage Amplification Damage Amp. When Warriors drop below 60% health, they gain double Damage Amplification.
(2) 10% Omnivamp, 10% Damage Amplification
(4) 18% Omnivamp, 18% Damage Amplification
(6) 25% Omnivamp, 25% Damage Amplification
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