Throw 3 cards at different targets.Blue Card: Restore 80/100/125() Health to the lowest Health ally.Red Card: Deal 110/165/255() magic damage to the largest circle ofenemies.Yellow Card: Deal 210/315/505() magic damage to target and Stun them for 1second.
Combat Start: Enforcers gain Shield and Damage Amp. The highest Health enemy units become WANTED!When a Wanted enemy dies, Enforcers gain 30% Attack Speed.
(2) 1 units; 12% , 12%
(4) 2 units; 25% , 20%
(6) 4 units; 35% , 35%
(8) 5 units; 45% , 55%
(10) ALL enemies; 100% , 150% ; Combat Start: Confiscate all enemy items!