Every 2 seconds all Elderwood champions grow, gaining bonus stats. This effect stacks up to 5 times. Units

Bramble Smash
Smash the ground, sending a shockwave towards the current target that deals 225/350/550 (
) magic damage to enemies hit and Chills them for 3 seconds.Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 50%tft10_headliner_default Lulu

Wild Growth
Transform a low-Health ally into a giant that Stuns nearby enemies for 1 second. Giant allies gain 400/600/950 (
) bonus Health for the rest of combat.tft10_headliner_default Rakan

Disarming Diversion
Dash to the furthest enemy within attack range, Disarming all units passed through for 2.5/3/4 seconds, and Taunting the target.Create a 200/400/800 (
) Shield for 4 seconds.Disarm: Target cannot attacktft10_headliner_default Nunu & Willump

Bite the target, dealing 200/350/500 (
) magic damage. If the target has less Health, deal an additional 50% and convert it to true damage.tft10_headliner_default Veigar

Dark Blossom
Blast the enemy with the lowest Health in range, dealing 300/475/700 (
) magic damage.If the target dies, permanently gain 1/1/2 Ability Power.tft10_headliner_default Xayah


Leap into the air and become Untargetable and Invulnerable, throwing a fan of 9 feather daggers in a cone towards the current target that deal 2.5/2.75/3.5 (
) physical damage to enemies they pass through.After a brief delay, recall feathers, striking enemies hit for 100/200/600 (
) magic damage per feather.tft10_headliner_default Ornn


Summon an elemental from behind the farthest enemy to travel toward Ornn, Chilling all enemies hit for 3 seconds and dealing 175/275/9999 (
) magic damage.If the elemental runs into Ornn, headbutt it, redirecting it toward another distant enemy, Stunning for 1.5/2/15 seconds and dealing 175/275/9999 (
) magic damage to all enemies hit.Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 50%tft10_headliner_default