Official Riot patch notes



Developer's notes
Double swords while forcing Vertical Sorcs? Not on our watch.
Any NPC round after minions that drop two of the same component will also drop a Reforger.


Developer's notes
Triple Class or triple Origin Emblems are tough to build around, so we’re giving our Wanderers a quality-of-life buff that’s sure to keep them cooking with the right ingredients.
When "Wandering Trainer" effects (e.g., Ambessa’s Trainer Golem Encounter or the Wandering Trainer Augments) grant three Emblems, one will always be an Origin, one will always be a Class, and one will be randomly an Origin or Class. If the effect grants less than three Emblems, they will remain random.


Developer's notes
Your first 12 Anomaly options don’t repeat, but now you won’t see the same Anomaly multiple times close together while rolling past your first 12 options.
You can now never see the same Anomaly multiple times too close together (currently 12).


Developer's notes
New year, new me, and new Anomalies. Try them out.
Brutal Claws: This champion gains 40% Critical Strike chance and Critical Strikes bleed for 40% of their damage over 3 seconds.
Cultivating Magic: Gain 30 AP. Gain 5 AP permanently for each 10,000 damage dealt.
Cybernetic Empowerment: Gain 8% Attack Speed and 2% Attack Speed for each component held by your team.
Hivemind: Gain a copy of the first champion this champion kills each player combat. Gain 25% Damage Amp.
Infectious Anomaly: Gain 15% AD and 15 AP. At the start of each round, grant a random ally this Anomaly. If they already have it, instead grant them 2% AD and 2 AP.
Tăng Cấp
Power Up: Gain 20% AD. Gain 5% AD permanently for each 10,000 damage dealt.
Titan of Teamwork: Gain 1% durability for each star level on your board. Three-star champions count as four-stars.
Vampiric Affinity: Gain 20% Omnivamp. Increase this to 40% while below 75% health.
Voracious Appetite: This champion gains 300 Health and 15% Damage Amp. Each round gain a consumable that grants 150 Health and 3% Damage Amp in exchange for 3 player health.



Developer's notes
We’re removing the chase traits for Sorcerer and Visionary. Building deep vertical comps for these two traits requires fielding the same units over and over, with typically one flexible unit wearing the trait’s Emblem. While we’re happy with our more interesting and dynamic Origin traits being played this way, we want Class traits to be more of a flexible tool to splash in and out of without requiring deep 7+ engagement to be viable. Additionally, the rigidity of these vertical classes makes them prone to threshold balance situations where, much like Sorcerer was for this set, they’re either completely dead as a vertical or very strong.
Experiment Emblem clones are wreaking havoc to boards and LP alike. We’re bringing down their health to better suit their power.
Experiment: Emblem Bonus Clone Health: 60% ⇒ 50%
Sorcerer (8) removed.
Sorcerer AP: 20/55/105/140 ⇒ 20/55/90. Sorcerer (6) now has "Abilities lower target’s damage by 20% for 3 seconds" (The old 8 piece bonus, but 20% instead of 25%).
Visionary (8) removed.
Visionary (6) now has "Abilities heal ally for 18% damage" (The old Visionary (8) bonus, but 18% instead of 20%).


Developer's notes
While Lone Hero Lux is a thing of the past, we’re correcting Lux’s ability to behave as self-shielding abilities should. Powder’s about getting that huge explosion off, albeit inconsistently (or devastatingly). Our Powder buff is aimed at improving the reliability of backline Powder without buffing frontline Powder through increasing her Attack Speed to get that cast off faster. To balance this faster cast (and attacks), we’re trimming some AD, cause no 11-year-old is about to join the major sports league (this is real don’t look it up) anytime soon.
Lux: Is now manalocked if she shields herself with her ability.
Morgana: Spell Damage: 525/780/1300/1550 ⇒ 530/800/1500/1800
Powder: AS: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75, AD: 35 ⇒ 30


Developer's notes
Urgot gets a lot from Health-stacking items, Augments, and traits, so we’re trimming some of that health’s effectiveness to keep our lovable garbage disposal on legs disposable himself. Vander’s been the solid, supportive, and reliable frontline for many comps, but even so, something feels inherently cynical about nerfing him—he’s just too lovable.
Urgot: Armor/MR: 45 ⇒ 40
Vander: Spell Armor/MR Gained: 100/125/150 ⇒ 100/130/180


Developer's notes
As the core tank for Warden reroll comps, Scar’s been scarred by his last nerf earlier in the set. We’re patching him up with a small one- and two-star buff to keep him flying high.
Scar: Ability Heal: 220/240/270 ⇒ 245/255/270


Developer's notes
If Garen hates magic so much, why is his AP ratio this high⇒ While a decent 4-cost tank, Garen’s struggled to have much impact aside from his Health bar and the Health bars he increases. Twitch has quickly become one of the better 4-cost carries thanks to a buff last patch and a few shifts in the meta. Ten percent fewer sewer skewers for everybody should have this rat in a better place than having to say fewer sewer skewers ten times fast.
Garen: Ability AP Ratio: 200/220/1500 ⇒ 225/250/1500
Twitch: Bonus AS During Spell: 85% ⇒ 75%


Developer's notes
6-costs are meant to be incredibly powerful but not something that brings you so much utility that you have an unfair advantage. We’re removing Viktor’s Shred and Sunder (Armor and Magic Resist removal) but slightly increasing his Death Ray damage and cast damage to compensate. Finally, we’re lowering the percent HP scaling to make him less of an inherent tank killer without items.
Viktor Death Ray no longer Shreds and Sunders
Viktor Death Ray Magic Damage: 50/180/2000 >> 60/240/2400
Viktor Main Ability Damage: 100/300/9999 ⇒ 150/500/9999
Viktor Main Ability % HP Damage: 8/20/100% ⇒ 3/10/100%


Developer's notes
We’re setting several Augments to be offered at specific stages to ensure the best player experience when they are offered at the most relevant point in the game. Past that, we’re nerfing our best performers and buffing the lowest performers.
Thanh Lý Toàn Bộ
Firesale: Champion Stolen: Any cost ⇒ 3-cost or lower
Lấy Công Bù Thủ I
Glass Cannon I: Removed from 2-1
Cửa Hàng Gian Lận
Rigged Shop+: Rerolls Granted: 5 ⇒ 9
Liên Kết Tâm Linh
Spirit Link I: Health Regen every 5 ⇒ 4s
Kẻ Sống Sót
Survivor: Gold Granted: 70 ⇒ 88
Thích Chơi Troll
Trolling: AS Granted: 160% ⇒ 140%
Young Wild & Free: Removed from 3-2. Gold: 2 ⇒ 5
Ma Thuật Cấm Kỵ
Forbidden Magic: Takedowns per stack: 3 ⇒ 2, AD per stack: 1.5% ⇒ 2%
Nghĩ Về Tương Lai
Forward Thinking: Gold reward drastically sped up, Turns Required: 6 ⇒ 5, Gold Granted: 80 ⇒ 70
Lấy Công Bù Thủ I
Glass Cannon II: Removed from 2-1
Tháo Găng
Gloves Off (Vander): Splash Damage: 25% ⇒ 35%
Bộ Sưu Tập Tên Lửa
Rocket Collection: Rockets Required: 75 ⇒ 65
Thu Gom Phế Liệu
Scavenger: Champions with no items now grant an item tailored to the unit receiving the item, rather than the dying champion’s recommended items.
Cửa Hàng Chập Mạch
Shop Glitch: Removed from 3-2
Trait Unlock: Reunion: Vi Earthquake Damage: 150% ⇒ 120%
Trait Unlock: Sisters: Correctly grants Vi Attack Damage and Jinx Attack Speed. Attack, Damage Buff: 40% ⇒ 60%
Khu Giao Dịch
Trade Sector: Gold: 1 ⇒ 4
2 Vàng Là Nhất
Two Much Value: Removed from 3-2
Chào Mừng Đến Sân Chơi
Welcome to the Playground: Time Required to live: 17 ⇒ 15 seconds
Quà Sinh Nhật
Birthday Presents: Grants 2 gold on Level Up.
Linh Hồn Rực Cháy I
Blazing Soul II: AP Granted: 35 ⇒ 45, AS Granted: 30% ⇒ 35%
Lên Ngôi Vương
Coronation: Attack Damage: 30% ⇒ 25%, Attack Speed: 30% ⇒ 25%, Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 35
Hộp Pandora
Pandora’s Items III: Removed from 4-2
Định Hướng Kim Cương
Prismatic Pipeline: Prismatic orbs no longer grant bonus loot.
Chất Lượng Hơn Số Lượng
Quality Over Quantity: Bonus HP: 12% ⇒ 7%
Tín Đồ Mua Sắm
Shopping Spree: Rerolls: Level ⇒ Level+1
Ăn Bám
Sponging: Max Units to get items: 5 ⇒ 6
Linh Thú Vào Bếp
Tactician’s Kitchen: Tactician’s Shield granted after three player combats.
Kẻ Trộm Mộ I
Tomb Raider II: Grants 1 completed item Anvil on selection.


Developer's notes
We’ve made a pass on our Radiant Items to polish up the ones that haven’t been glowing as brightly as we’d like.
Quyền Trượng Thần URF
Urf-Angel's Staff: Base AP: 50 ⇒ 60
Quang Kiếm Tử Thần
Luminous Deathblade: Damage Amp: 12% ⇒ 20%
Thiên Cực Kiếm
Zenith Edge: AD: 65% ⇒ 70%
Găng Ngọc Thạch
Glamorous Gauntlet: AP: 55 ⇒ 70
Mũ Thăng Hoa Rabadon
Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap: AP: 70 ⇒ 80
Bão Tố Runaan
Runaan's Tempest: AD: 35% ⇒ 50%


Developer's notes
Raising the power floor on our most underperforming Anomalies.
Arcana Overwhelming: MR Granted: 80 ⇒ 100
Defense Expert: Armor/MR Gained: 75% ⇒ 90%
Repulsor: Knockback Range: 2 ⇒ 3 hexes
Titanic Strikes: AD Damage: 40% ⇒ 50%
Touch of Frost: Debuff Duration: 4 ⇒ 8s
Wolf Familiars: Percent AD: 65% ⇒ 75%



Developer's notes
Small, like little Snek.
Bản Chất Thật
What You Really Are: Double Up Damage Requirement: 35 ⇒ 20
Chào Mừng Đến Sân Chơi
Welcome to the Playground: Can no longer rarely give Family members with Emblems.


Family: Getting a Family Emblem on Warwick, Jinx, and Vi with Violet, Vander, and Powder will cause something special to happen. Never turn your back on family.


Leona: Ability Durability: 50/50/50% ⇒ 50/50/55%
Loris: Ability Shield: 600/700/800 ⇒ 600/700/900
Jayce: Ranged three-star Damage: 1200% ⇒ 8000%, Melee three-star Damage: 3000% ⇒ 8000%


Deep Roots now specifies it pulls into Melee Range.
Hunger for Power now specifies the ally must be adjacent to get consumed.
Áo Choàng Thủy Ngân
Quicksilver now correctly blocks stuns from Dramatic Entrance and Renni.
Wait, two Viktors: Viktor’s cast animation is no longer paused by stuns. Two opposing Viktors will cast at the same time now.
Caitlyn’s headshots can no longer fizzle.
Jayce’s Hextech crystals now correctly attach to units, so units can’t walk out of the explosion.
Huy Hiệu Cực Tốc
Quickstriker Crest and Quickstriker Crown are now mutually exclusive.
Morgana’s Shield Reave effect no longer stacks on units afflicted with multiple stacks of her damage over time.
Executes no longer bypass Last Stand and Prismatic Flesh Ripper.
Prismatic Flesh Ripper’s revive now always procs before Last Stand if you have both.
K/DA Arena no longer changes all players’ music to the Anomaly round music.
Chibi Spirit Blossom Sett Finisher's VFX no longer spills over on another Tactician's finisher. isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.