Ambessa switches between two stances on cast:Chains: Gain +1 Range. Attacks deal 105/158/630() physicaldamage.On cast, dash to target and strike in a half-circle, dealing 175/263/945() physical damage to enemieshit.Fists: Gain 25/25/45%() Omnivamp and attack twice asfast.On cast, briefly Stun target before slamming them into the ground, dealing 350/525/2363() physical damage, then dashaway.
This trait is active only when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Emissaries.
(1) Gain that Emissary's bonus
(4) Gain all bonuses. Emissaries gain 250 and 20%
Ambessa: Allies gain 2 Armor and Magic Resist for each opponent defeated. (0/7)Garen: On Combat Start, Garen and allies to his left and right gain 12% of his max Health.Nami: Allies' attacks grant 3 bonus Mana.Tristana: Allies gain 6% Attack Speed per star level.
Conquerors' takedowns grant stacks of Conquest. After gaining enough Conquest, open War Chests full of loot!Conquerors gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, increased by 8% for each War Chest opened.