Transform into a dragon form for 6 seconds, gaining 60/65/100% max Health and dealing 75/150/1000 () magic damage each second to enemies within 2.5/2.5/5 hexes.While in dragon form, breathe fire in a cone in front every 2 seconds, dealing 175/350/5000 () magic damage, burning enemies for 25% of their max Health as true damage over 10 seconds, and Wounding them for the duration.Wound: Reduce healing received by 50%tft10_headliner_default
The first few Dragonsoul allies to take damage in combat receive the Dragon's Blessing. While blessed, the unit gains bonus stats, and every 5th attack fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing 40% of the target's max Health in magic damage.On death, this blessing passes to the closest Dragonsoul ally without a blessing.