When 2 allies have died, the Monstrosity will rise from its grave. The Monstrosity receives bonus Health and Attack Damage based on allied Abomination champions' star levels.The 3 Abomination champions nearest the grave will also grant the Monstrosity a random copy of one of their items when combat starts.
(1) Combat start: Gwen summons Harrowing Mist in adjacent hexes surrounding her for 8 seconds, granting all allies 33% Durability while they remain within it.
Nightbringers gain a Shield for 8 seconds equal to a percent of their maximum Health the first time they drop below 50%. When this occurs, that Nightbringer gains bonus damage.
Combat start: The Sentinel with the most items (ties broken by highest Attack Speed) gains a Shield that grants stacking Attack Speed. When it is destroyed or expires, it bounces to the ally with lowest percent Health and renews. The Attack Speed bonus persists between Shield bounces.
Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline.Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.
Every 5th Cannoneer attack is replaced with a cannon shot that deals a percent of that attack's damage in an explosion around the target as physical damage.
(1) Caretakers deploy with a Baby Dragon that can be placed anywhere on the battlefield. The Baby Dragon gains 100% of its Caretaker's Attack Speed, and restores 80 Mana to the Caretaker upon death.
Innate: Cavaliers charge quickly towards their target whenever they move.Cavaliers gain Durability. At the start of combat and after each charge, this effect is doubled for 4 seconds.
Teemo hungers to be alone against exactly 1 enemy left standing.Teemo is purchased with Player Health instead of gold. He can be sold for gold, but not Health. You're welcome.